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Music at Homefield aims to encompass our school’s vision of ‘Curious Minds, Open Hearts, Joy of Learning’.

Intent-At Homefield, we aim to support children to see themselves as musicians. Our music curriculum provides opportunities to gain knowledge of music by acquiring skills in listening, appraising, composing and performing. We will provide exposure to a variety of musical genres from around the world. Children will use a range of instruments and be encouraged to be creative and expressive whilst working individually and within a group. We follow Charanga, a multi-award winning music teaching and learning platform.

Charanga Long Term Plan

Implementation- Teachers provide an enthusiasm for the subject and share the importance of music for well-being, creating awe and wonder for all pupils. We provide opportunities to learn about and appraise different music from around the world and explore a range of instruments. Through our music curriculum, children will gain an understanding and appreciation of the differences in people and the wider world. This will enhance the school’s diverse curriculum, through music lessons, collective worship and our popular choir.

At Homefield, a 45mins music lesson is taught from Y1-Y6 each week. We use Charanga, a modern teaching and learning platform. Charanga Musical School Units of Work enable children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. We ensure our curriculum is accessible to all whilst celebrating individual musical talent. Our Norfolk Music Hub subscription allows us to enhance this curriculum with access to live performances, music workshops and extra curricula opportunities, providing cross curricula links.

Early Years classes use Charanga for useful interactive resources. Music weaves into the Early Years Curriculum every day and IS not timetabled like the rest of the school. Daily songs and rhymes provide experiences for rhythm, rhyme and rich vocabulary. Early years classrooms have their own basket of instruments that also link to Phase 1 Phonics (distinguishing between different sounds).

Nursery children – exploring different instruments and sounds

Impact- Our children will be inspired to learn to love music. Learning will be progressive, as they acquire skills and vocabulary to enable them to play instruments, listen and appraise different genres of music. They will be able to associate music with enhanced well-being and become confident to be creative and expressive.

Children are given opportunities to sing! Collective worship is an important time of the day at Homefield. We have a special ‘Singing Assembly’ on Mondays which starts the week off with feelings of joy and togetherness. The school choir is extremely popular and is offered as an after school club.

Children are encouraged to feel proud of their musicality and individual talent is celebrated. Year 5 particularly enjoyed trying out a new way of composing their own Hip Hop compositions, using ‘Yumu’ software.

We are fortunate to receive whole class music tuition through our Norfolk Music Hub subscription. Year 4, 5 and 6 learnt to play the ukulele last term and Year 4 are currently learning the trumpet.