Our Governors
Welcome to the Governors section of our website. The aims and values of the school at the centre of everything we do as governors. Our priority is to ensure each and every child receives the best education possible.
The Governing Board contributes to the strategic leadership of the school by working in close partnership with the Headteacher and school staff to provide both support and challenge. We are not involved with the day-to-day management of the school.
Our Governing Board is made up of a range of people with different skills and experience to support the strategic running of the school.
The core functions of governance are:
- Clarity in the vision for the school, its’ ethos and strategic direction
- Holding our executive leader to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing financial performance of the organisation and making sure the money is well spent
- Ensuring that stakeholders voices are heard
Our specific statutory responsibilities include:
- Safeguarding
- Special Educational Needs
- Pupil Premium
- PE and Sports Funding
- Equality
- Curriculum
- Health and Safety
We monitor these in a variety of ways. We read and review documents, visit the school, talk to staff, pupils and parents. We ask questions to find out what is happening and sometimes commission external advisers to seek their view. We use the School Improvement and Development Plan to ensure that the school is focussing on the right things to continue to improve and offer the best for pupils at Homefield C of E Primary School.
Homefield VC C of E Governing Board operate as a Full Governing Board and does not have any committees currently. We have designated governors when committees are required for specific purposes such as Appeals. We form working parties when we need to undertake specific pieces of work that require additional input.
If you would like to find out any more about school governance please contact the Chair of Governors via chairofgovernors@homefieldprimary.co.uk
The Governing Board
All governors are elected for a 4 year term. Associate members do not have voting rights and join the board for a period agreed due to the specific role they will carry out or the expertise they bring. Please see the document Governor Attendance 2022/23 for further details.
Name |
Role |
Type of Governor |
Phil Hamblin |
Chair |
Co-opted |
Lynn Lees |
Vice - Chair SEND |
Foundation |
Martyn Payne |
Safeguarding & behaviour/attendance |
Co-opted |
Jo Jones |
Finance, RSE & PSHE | Co-opted |
Rev Steve Deall |
Foundation |
Vacancy |
Foundation |
Mark Vaudin |
Parent |
Vacancy |
Parent |
Emma Clark |
Staff |
Jo Viner |
Local Authority |
Kerry Savage |
Headteacher |
Ex officio |
Anna Hogg |
Deputy Head |
Associate |
Other specific roles are agreed annually as part of our monitoring schedule.
To discharge the duties of governance, the governors meet twice a term and a member of the governing body attends Budget Revision and Budget setting meetings with the LA Finance Officer.
In addition, governors will meet as a panel to hear Appeals, undertake Headteacher Performance Review, and consider pupil discipline issues.
Governors make decisions collectively, but have individual responsibilities in relation to statutory requirements and curriculum subjects.