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At Homefield we have a curriculum that we are proud of. We have reviewed our assessment and reporting systems to ensure that we know where each child is at with their learning.

Our fundamental aim for our children to leave us in year six demonstrating that they are working at either the expected or higher standard in order for them to be well placed at High School. We strongly believe that progress is individual to a particular child and should be assessed from their starting points. Most children will make progress in line with their peers.  However, there is a small number of children whose learning and progress will look very different.  

The principles that underpin our assessment system are:

  • Every child can be successful and independent learners.
  • Live assessment is made in each lesson. This informs teachers’ planning and delivery of learning.
  • Children’s learning is based on Formative and Summative Assessments.
  • Low stakes quizzes help teachers to assess progress and understanding of core knowledge
  • Children self-select appropriate challenges – we believe that independence is key.
  • Prior learning is built upon in each lesson to ensure the best opportunities are given to all of the children.
  • The National Curriculum objectives and End of Key Stage Assessment frameworks are used to plan all learning opportunities.

Tracking progress over time:

Teachers’ planning is a working document, based on daily Formative Assessment.  Children are involved in this process and help identify their own next steps of learning and subsequent targets.  Each term Summative Assessments of children’s work are made by staff in reading, writing, maths and science and these findings are recorded on a tracker. All other subject summative data is collected in July.

Termly Pupil Progress Meetings help teachers to address underperformance and plan how to fill any gaps in children's knowledge and understanding.

Parents are kept informed of their child’s progress through termly parent meetings, informal chats and end of year reports.


Early Years - Nursery & Reception

 The curriculum in Nursery and Reception is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This provides a framework for challenging experiences that meet the different needs of all our children.

The Foundation Stage Curriculum is made up of 3 prime areas of learning:

  • PSED: Personal, Social and Emotional Development. This area develops social skills, attitude to learning, self–confidence, self-awareness and supports them in managing feelings and behaviour.
  • C & L: Communication and Language. This area develops skills such as listening and attention, understanding and communicating with others.
  • PD: Physical Development. This area teaches children about their bodies, how to be healthy and develop skills such as control, movement, strength and using equipment safely.

There are also 4 specific areas:

  • L: Literacy develops skills in reading and writing, through the teaching of phonics and supporting children to apply these skills in all areas of their learning.
  • M:Mathematics area develops skills such as counting, addition, subtraction, problem solving, understanding shape and measuring.
  • UW: Understanding the World. This area develops a child’s understanding of the environment and their community, the world and technology around them.
  • E, A & D: Expressive Arts and Design. This area develops their imagination and the skills of singing, drama, making, painting and using different resources.

Birth to five matters underpins our formative and summative assessments within Nursery & Reception